Öhll Clip Users' guide

Recommendations for use:

- Check that the geometric and resistance characteristics of the vehicle are
compatible with the use of the Ohll Clip system.
- The Ohll Clip system has been designed exclusively for the connection of
compatible Öhll accessories and can support a load of up to 8 kg.
- The Ohll Clip system is designed to be fixed on the vertical tube of kick scooters
and urban bicycles.
- The maximum tightening torque of the supplied DIN912 M6 screws is 8 Nm.
- The system must be firmly tightened to the tube. It is convenient to check it
- After installation, check that the vehicle can be maneuvered normally and that
both the brakes and the lights or other elements work normally.


- Vehicle behavior may change in terms of driving or braking when front weight is

- Do not stop holding the vehicle while an accessory is clipped. The weight could
destabilize the vehicle even when supported on its side stand.

- Maximum weight <8 Kg (17,6 lbs)